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Index of Probate Records


Dorothy 1754 (Pluckley)

Other Probate records

Other probate records available are listed in the downloadable file below

John Ashbee 1807

John Beeching 1706
John Beeching page 1
John Beeching page 2

Transcription of John Beeching’s Will

In the name of God Amen I John Beeching of the parish of Pluckley in the County of Kent Carpenter, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, do make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First I bequeath my Soul to God, hoping that through the only merits of Christ my Saviour it shall saved, And my body to the Earth to be decently buried in the Church Yard of the parish of Pluckley by my Executors hereafter named; And as concerning my temporall Estate, I dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say) after all my Debts and Funerall Expences are satisfied and paid I give and bequeath unto my loving wife over and above the two hundred pounds, which I gave her bond for before marriage, the Yearly Sum[m]e of twenty five pounds to be paid unto her quarterly during her Life, by my Executors hereafter named, I give also unto my said loving wife all my Goods and household Stuffe that are in my house, excepting those things that are in my Clossett, Item I give unto the wife of Robert Waterman of Haldon [Kent] one hundred pounds to be paid her within a Yeare after my todecease Item I give to my Cozen Hanna Beeching the sum[m]e of one hundred pounds be paid unto her within one Yeare after my decease Item I give to my two Cozens Richard and Thomas Beechings the sum[m]e of two hundred pounds apiece to be paid within one Yeare after my decease Item I give unto Hester Heneker the sum[m]e of five pounds Yearly to be paid her for the Terme of four Yeares and no longer Item I give to my two Cozens before named Richard and Thomas Beechings the             Sum[m]e Sum[m]e of two hundred pounds apeice more, when they shall severally arrive at the Age of one and twenty Yeares Item I give to the poor of the parish of Pluckley the sum[m]e of five pounds to be given to the Churchwardens and Minister to give them within one month after my decease I give all the rest of my Estate whatsoever and wheresoever, not before given to my Brother Thomas Beeching of Biddenden [Kent], and to my Cozen John Beeching of Haldon, desiring my loving Brother Thomas Beeching to leave what parts of my Estate I leave him to my said Cozen John Beeching after his decease, And of this my last Will and Testament I make and ordaine my said Brother Thomas Beeching and my said Cozen John Beeching my Executors dated this Fourteenth Day of December Anno D[omi]ni 1706 I  bequeath to Mr Collington of Pluckley two Guineas [2 guineas = £2 2s] [signed] John Beeching.  Signed Sealed published and declared by me the said John Beeching to be my last Will and Testament in the p[re]sence of [witnessed] Ann Gooding   Ralph Platt, Nath[aniel] Collington  /  Exa[m]i[n]atur [examined] Geo[rge] Upton Jun[ior] Not[ary] Pub[lic]                                   

[folio 100 verso]

[probate clause in Latin]

  • Probatum fuit hu[iusm]o[d]i suprascript[um] Testam[en]tum
  • Johannis Beeching imp de Pluckley dioc[esis] Cant[uariensis] def[unc]ti sexto

                                                              [in right margin against the above line is:]  P[ro]rog[ative]

  • die Januarij Anno D[omi]ni (Stilo Angliae) Mill[es]imo Septing[entes]imo Sexto [6-January-1706]
  • coram m[agist]ro Nathaniele Collington Cl[er]ico, Vigore Com[m]issionis
  • ei &c juramentis Thomae Beeching et Johannis Beeching
  • Exec[utor]um in hui[usm]o[d]i Testam[en]to nominat Quibus com[m]issa fuit
  • ad[ministrat]o bonoru[m] &c dict[i] defunct[i] et ejus[dem] Testamentum hui[usm]o[d]i
  • qualr_cunque concerner[e] prius ad S[anc]ta &c jurat /
Richard Beeching 1729

In the name of God, Amen, I Richard Beeching of Pluckley in the County of Kent being of sound and perfect mind and memory THEREFORE do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following this 9th of November 1729

First and principally I commit my soul to God that gave it trusting it in and through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour to obtain remission of my sins and to obtain everlasting life and for my body to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named and for my worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I Give and Bequeath as followeth First I give unto my mother Hannah Beeching Wid the sum of Ten pounds a year during the time of her natural life being the interest of £200 and after her death I give the said sum of £200 unto my cousin Elizabeth, daughter of my brother John(?) Beeching to be paid to her at the age of one and twenty years.  Item I give to my brother Thomas Beeching the sum of Twenty pounds to be paid in twelve months and after my demise(?) by my executor. Item I give to my sister Hannah Sampson Wid of Halden the sum of Ten pounds to be paid as above Item I give to Mary Sampson daughter to my aforementioned sister the sum of Five pounds to be paid as above mentioned Item the rest of my goods chattels and criddi—(?) I give and devise Unto my brother John(?) Beeching paying my funeral expenses and do constitute and appoint him my said brother John Beeching sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament

Signed sealed and declared

this to be my last Will and Testament                        (Sgd) R. Beeching

in the presence of

John ? and

George Gooding

Thomas Beeching 1711


I Thomas Beeching of Pluckley in the County of Kent Carpenter being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory praised be God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following:

First, I commend my soul to God that gave it and my body in … of a joyfull … thro’ the alone merits of my ever blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ commit to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named and as touching that worldly Estate which the Lord in … has been pleased to … will and dispose thereof as followeth

Item – I give and bequeath unto my cousin John Beeching all that estate which was given to me in and by the last Will and Testament of my loving brother John Beeching deceased according to the … of my said brother

Item – I give and bequeath unto my cousin Mary the wife of Robert Waterman and unto my cousin Hannah the wife of Robert Sampson and unto my cousin Richard Beeching the sum of Ten pounds a piece of lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid to them within twelve months next after my decease by my executors hereinafter named

Item – All the … and remainder of my ready money Goods, Estate whatsoever and wheresoever after my debts, legacies, funeral expenses and the charges of proving this my last Will and Testament are paid I Give and Bequeath unto my said cousin John Beeching and unto my cousin Thomas Beeching equally to be divided between them and do hereby make and appoint them full and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament

And lastly do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament in Witness whereof the said Thomas Beeching the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this four and twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eleven

Signed Sealed and Delivered, etc.

Agnes Burwash

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN in the 5th day of June yn the yere of our lord god as 1530 I Agnes Burwashe of the parishe of Plukley within the countie of kent widow of Nicholas Burwashe of the said parishe and daughter of John Aford ordeyne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme foloweng. First I bequethe my soule unto almighty god and unto and blessed lady saynte mary and in all the holy company of heven my body to be buried within the churchyard of Pluckley aforesaid. Item I bequethe unto the high alter therfor my tithes forgoten 4 pence. Item I bequethe to the herse light ther 4 pence Item I bequethe toward the bying of a anthyphonar to the church of Pluckley aforesaid 4 pounds and if the churchwardens doo bye yt within the space of 4 years next after my decese or els none to be paid.
Item I bequethe unto Thomas Pyx my brother 26 shillings 8 pence to be paid to hym within one quart of a yere next after my decese. Item I bequethe unto George my boye beyng in my howse 26 shillings 8 pence. Item I bequethe unto every one of my godchildren 4 pence. Item I bequethe to be bestowed at my owtberying 20 shillings. Item I bequethe to be bestowed at my Monthes day 20 shillings. Item I bequethe to be bestowed at my yeres mynde 13 shillings 4 pence. Also I bequethe to be bestowed at my husbande yeres mynde 13 shillings 4 pence. Item I bequethe to one obyt to be kept in the church of Plukley duryng the space of 20 years next after my decesse yerely 3 shillings 4 pence for my soule my fathers and mothers soules and for all xpen[?] soules. Item I bequethe to an honest preest to syng for my soule in the church of plukley a quarter of a yere and every yere during the space of 2 yeres next after my decese 3 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence.
The Residue of my moveable goode not given and bequethed I will it to myne executors to helpe to fulfill this my last will and testament and to paye my dette. Also I ordeyne to be myne executors of this my last will and testament my Brother Nicholas Pyx of Smerden and Thomas Pyx of Pluckley. And I give to eche of them for their labors 20 shillings. Item I bequethe to the light of Saynte Nicholas 2 pence. Also to the Bodelight another 2 pence in the church of Pluckley.
This is the last will of me the foresaid Agnes made the day aforesaid and the 22th yere of king henry the 8th. First I will that my feeofees and my executors shall sell all my lande lying in Pluckley at Mundes Strete in the Abbottes Court of Batell. And I will that Thomas Lull shall bye yt 20 shillings within the price and my executor to receive the money therof/wherof. I will that they paye unto Johane my daughter 20 marke of Lawfull money to be paid within one yere next after my decese. And the residue of the money therof comyng to be bestowed at the discretion of myne exceutor. Item I will to Agnes my daughter and her assignes my mussuage withall the lande therunto appertaynyng lyeng at Pyx Strete in Plukley aforesaid uppon condition that she or her assignes kepe the obites aforesaid of 3 shillings 4 pence by yere and if my executors have not sufficient in their handes to kepe it with/and if the said Agnes and her assignes do not kepe the said obites. Then I will that my executors shall distrayne for the said 3 shillings 4 pence to kepe for the said obite which uppon the said messuage and all the lande therunto appartarynyng or uppon any parcell therof.
Also I will that and if my executors can recover the 21 marke or the land at Elmehurst within the parishe of egerton which I ought to have Then I will therof to a preest to syng for my soule Then Imedyatly at halfe a yere more yn the churche of Pluckley 3 pounds 6 shillings 5 pence. Item I will that and if my executors can reconver the said lande 21 marke or the said lande Then I will 40 shillings therof to the reparation of the steeple of Pluckley and the residue therof I will it be bestowed at the discretion of my executors or their assignes this witnesses Harry Heit Nicholas Yund and John Stonestrete the elder with others
Probated 11 July 1530 Probate to Nicolas Yund and John Stonestrete

Henry Butcher 1464

PRC 17/1/107
ABSTRACT. The text which is in Latin has been translated but names and places are as they appear in the text. Where a word in English occurs in the Latin text this is shown in italics.
Testament dated 14 December AD 1464
Henry Bocher of Betrysden of sound mind and good memory.
Soul to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. Body to be buried in the churchyard of St Margaret of Betrysden.
To the high altar of Betrysden 12d.
To the light of Saint Margaret in the same church 12d.
To Johanna Bocher my mother 13s. 4d. to be paid within 1 year.
Residue of all my goods and cattle, debts etc. paid to my wife Alice and she to be my executrix.
Will: Henry Bocher of the parish of Betrysden made 14 December 4 Edward IV.
Feoffees Richard Kyngsnoth, Thomas Kyngsnoth of Plukle, William Glovere of Cophome and John at Snoth of Betrysden to all his lands and tenements in Betrysden and elsewhere in Kent
just as in a certain charter it fully appears. They to permit Alice my wife all issues and profits of lands and tenements and after her death all lands and tenement to his sons Richard and Stephen in fee simple and their heirs. Except a piece of land called Wydeyndene1 Mede which he wishes feoffees to sell and the money to be disposed at their discretion for the good of my soul in works of charity in Plukle and Betrysden.

John Butcher 1488

Archdeaconry will register on microfilm PRC 17/5 folio 48. (Translated) ABSTRACT Testament in Latin dated 2 January 1488 Of John Bocher of Stonford [1] in the parish of Pluckley. Of sound mind and memory. Soul to God Almighty, Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints in Heaven and to be buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas Pluckley. To the high altar for tithes and obligations forgotten 40d. To the light of St. Nicholas there 12d. To the light of St Mary 6d. To the light of shrine there 12d. [presumably the shrine of the BVM] To the light of Holy Cross [Rood] 4d. To the light of St. Christopher 4d. To the light of St. George in the same church 4d. To the light of St. Erasmus 4d. [2] To each of my godsons and god-daughters 4d. My executors to keep one obit for my soul in the church of Pluckley annually for 20 years after my decease for 10s. annually and 20d. to be distributed then annually for 20 years in alms at Pluckley. To the brothers of the house of Sand[wich] and the house of Losynham [3] for each year during the20 years 20d. to each house 10d. To each of my servants John de Waters, Stephen Berman, John George, Valentine Champnes, John Skott, Lawrence Skott, Nicholas Deonyse and John Bocher 1d, Residue to Nicholas my son and George Penull of Egerton and they to be executors and to dispose for the salvation of my soul. PROBATE 16 March [1488] with power reserved to Penull to be sworn.

1 J. K. Wallenberg, The Place names of Kent p. 395. (Uppsala 1934).

2 Not listed for the lights in this parish in the Archaeologia Cantiana Extra Volume pp. 247-249.

3 Wallenberg p. 342, Lossenham in the parish of Newenden. They were both Carmelite houses.

John Butcher 1503

PRC 17/9 folio 14.
Testament in Latin dated 10 March 1503
John Bocher, butcher.
Soul to God Almighty and body to be buried in the parish churchyard of St Nicholas Pluckley.
To high altar there for tithes and oblation forgotten 12d.
To high altar of church of Betresden [Bethersden] for tithes and oblation forgotten 8d.
To light of St. Nicholas in Pluckley church 2d.
To light of Blessed Virgin Mary in Pluckley church 2d.
To light of Holy Cross in Pluckley church 2d.
To light of Shrine in Pluckley church 2d.
To each of my god-children 4d.
The true residue to Edith my wife for the salvation of my soul and she to be my executrix.
Will (in English):
Feoffees to suffer Idene [1] my wife to occupy my messuage and 4 pieces of land called Kengerst, Heylondfeld, Newlond and Rischet [2]
lying in the Den of Kyngerst and Hillerden till my son William come to 21 years when he can enter into messuage and land and to be given an estate of the property when he is 24.
Son Simon to have my place and garden annexed with three pieces of land and croft appertaining after the longest liver of my uncle Thomas Bocher and his wife, in the meantime finding reparations and rent. To enter estate at 21 and has fee simple at 24.
Feoffees to suffer Idene my wife to receive profits of 3 pieces of land called the Strode, the Merlyng and Reed until son Nicholas come to 21 and he to have an estate at 24.
Feoffees to allow Idene to occupy and have profit of 2 pieces of land called the Halfrede and 2 grotten [3] crofts till son Jeffrey comes to age 21 and has estate at 24. If son William dies within age son Nicholas to inherit similarly son Jeffrey & son Simon’s part to Jeffrey. remainder to eldest son living to have messuage and land. Other clauses of remainder.
At 21 son William to pay his mother Idene 6s. 8d. yearly and Nicholas and Jeffrey 6s. 8d. yearly for the term of her life.
Wife to have her chamber in the parlour with fire and flett [‘fire and house-room’] etc. as long as she remains a widow.
To daughter Agnes 5 marks at marriage.
Feoffees to sell land called Holemere if required for debts and legacies etc. Edward Kyngsnoth to have it if he wishes to buy.
Clauses of final remainder after decease of wife and if sons decease. From money from sale of lands etc. to be distributed as follows: Daughter Marion 5 marks and if pregnant to the child 5
marks. Daughter Agnes 5 marks. Julyan Wederden 5 marks. Every poor marriage when aged above 24 years in Pluckley to have a cauldron of 2s. 4d. A trental to be sung in the parish church of Pluckley for my soul and all Christian souls and remainder on other ways.
Witnesses Sir Peter Bragyn, Thomas Bocher, Stephen Tornor.
PROBATE 15 April 1504 to executrix nominated.
1 E. G. Withycombe, Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names has Edine as a form of Edith.
2 Or Risthet.
3 Joseph Wright, English Dialect Dictionary, Stubblefield, applied to land after corn, hay, and other crops have been removed on which it
is customary to turn sheep, pigs, geese etc. to feed.

John Butcher 1505

PRC 17/9 folio 127
Abstract from Latin.
Dated 10 May 1505.
Testament of John Bocher of Pluckley.
Sound mind and memory. Soul to God Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints.
Body to be buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas of Pluckley.
To the high altar there for tithes and oblations forgotten 12d.
To the light of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the chapel 4d.
To the light of Saint Nicholas 4d.
To the light of the shrine there 2d.
True residue of my goods, debts and legacies paid to my wife Avice and she to be executrix to dispose for the salvation of my soul.
Witnesses Nicholas Bocher, Thomas Bocher and Thomas Hunt of Pluckley.
Will, also in Latin, that Avice my wife have all my lands with their appurtenances lying in the parish of Betrisden [Bethersden] to her and her heirs for ever.
PROBATE 30 June 1505 granted to executrix

Nicholas Butcher 1506

PRC 17/10 folio 145
Abstract from Latin. Testament dated 30 April 1506 at Pluckley.
Nicholas Bocher of Pluckley.
Of sound mind and memory. Soul to God Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints.
Body to be buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas Pluckley on the southern side of the tomb of
my father.
To the high altar there for the tithes and oblations forgotten 12d.
To the light of St Nicholas there 4d.
To the light of Holy Cross there 4d.
To the light of Blessed Virgin Mary there 4d.
To each of my daughters at her marriage 10 marks if under the governance of their mother Juliana
my wife.
To each of my godsons and god-daughters 4d.
Residue all of my goods not bequeathed debts paid etc. to Juliana my wife and John Tilman and
they to be executors and to dispose for the salvation of my soul.
Witnesses William Smyth rector of Pluckley, Ignatius Dyngilde, Stephen Warde of Pluckley.
Will in Latin. My wife Juliana to have my messuage and certain lands in the parishes of Pluckley
and Bethersden for the term of her life, viz. called Salmon Feelds, Crokerede, Northfeldes,
Leseydater Valtey with the ways to the same belonging with the lands called The Wuste Bygrottyn,
Milne Felde with the water mill and all its appurtenances.
Immediately after the death of Juliana my wife my son William to have my messuage with the
certain lands to him and his heirs. If son William dies without lawful heirs’ remainder to son
Richard with final remainder to the next heirs of Nicholas.
Wife Juliana to have profit of one messuage called Manfeld with all the lands to the same
belonging containing approximately 14 acres in the parishes of Pluckley, Little Chart and
Pevington for 4 years after my death, then profit to sons William and Richard. After decease of
Juliana messuage and lands to son Richard with remainder to son William.
Wishes feoffees to sell one messuage in Pilchet Street with the 2 gardens in Little Chart and 23
acres of land to the same belonging lying in the parishes of Little Chart, Pluckley and Pevington.
Executors upon receiving money to pay debts and legacies.
Wife Juliana to receive profits of certain parcels of land for 4 years, viz., Stonebreg mede, Croche
felde, Croche grove and Pyrvylld Croft. After 4 years to sons William and Richard. Clauses
regarding waste and repair.
PROBATE 15 June 1506 to executors.

Nicholas Butcher 1526

PRC 17/17 folio 106
Abstract from microfilm. Will & testament dated 20 July 1526. Nicholas Bocher of the parish of Plukeley. Soul to God and body to be buried in the churchyard of Saint Nicholas Plukley. To the high altar of St Nicholas Plukley 4d. To the light of St Nicholas 2d. To the roode light 1d. To the herse light 2d. To the high altar of Bethersden church 4d. To every of my god children 4d. To Geffry & John my sons 2 young werkyng bolokkes and Geffry to have the choice thereof. To Iden my daughter a two year old steere. To Thomesine and Alice my daughters 2 haffer buddes[1] and Thomasyne to have the choice thereof. If any child dies ‘before they do come to discretion’ the bequest to pass to their mother. Residue to wife Johanna and all my lands and appurtenances during her widowhood. On her marriage lands to two sons Geffrey and John. At the decease of Johanna lands and appurtenances to sons to be equally divided with remainder to survivor. Final remainder to daughter Edyne[2] she paying Alice and Thomesyne 20s each when she has the profits of the lands. Wife Johanna to be executrix. Witnesses Sir Robert Croskell [Kroskill in probate], Thomas Hunt and Thomas Tylman. PROBATE granted 11 September 1526 to the executrix named.

1 OED: heifer-bud, a weaned she-calf of the first year. 2 Edine.

Joane widow of Nicholas Butcher 1558

Will abstracts taken from microfilms of the probate registers. PRC 17/31 folio 115 Dated 6 January 1558, 1 Elizabeth I. Will of Joane Butcher of Pluckley, Kent the widow of Nicholas Butcher sometime of Pluckley deceased. Perfect mind and good remembrance. Soul to God and body to be buried in churchyard of Pluckley beside my husband. Executor to “bestow at time of my burial” 3s. 4d. as shall then take pains with me. To Thomasine Butcher the daughter of Jeffery Butcher at age of 21 to have 20s. in full satisfaction of a payment willed to Jeffery Butcher the father by Nicholas Butcher my late husband. To Thomasine Butcher my coffer. To Alice my daughter my best petticoat. To Jeramye Tolherste at the age of 16 years 12d. To Martha Tolherste my best coverlet at her age of 20 years. If it fortune John Butcher my son die before Martha attains 20 years then coverlet to be delivered to her immediately after my sons decease. To John Tolherst 12d. To Jane Crowley 12d. To Martha Bridge 2s. To Gilbert Bridge 2s. which 5s. is in the hands of James Netter. To Susan Butcher my budd.1 To Elizabeth Cowdale my russett petticoat. All residue of my goods, debts and legacies paid, to my son John Butcher and he to be my executor. Witnesses John Huggett and Richard Gypson. PROBATE granted 3 May 1559 on the oath of witnesses to the executor named.

Nicholas Butcher 1567
John Butcher 1570

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC/17/41/223, Probate 4 Dec 1570 John Butcher of Manfielde in Pluckley, weaver, will dated 8 Oct 1570 To be buried in the churchyard of Pluckley. To the poor box, 3 shilllings and 3 pence. Item: to my eldest son Abraham my broad loom and all the things belonging to her. Item: to my son Daniel my kersey loom with all the tackle belonging to her Item: to my son John Butcher my greatest chest. Item: to my son Walter Butcher the chest where my writing be. Item: to my daughter Joyce £5 to be paid at her day of marriage by my son Abraham Butcher. Item: to my daughter Sara £5 to be paid at her day of marriage by my son Abraham Butcher. Item: My house where I now dwell and my lands in Pluckley, Little Chart and Pevington making 21 acres of ground to my son Abraham and his heirs. I will that he pay to his brothers, Daniel, John and Walter £30 apiece as they shall come to the ages of 22 years. All the rest of my goods to my wife Bennet Butcher Witnessed by George Welton, Robert Roughe, John Pyckard, Robert Deedes

Abraham Butcher 1603

Will of Abraham Butcher
of Pluckley, Kent
Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/52/348
OCCUPATION: Clothier DATE: 14th May 1603, Proved: 1st June 1603
To be buried where it shall please my executors. Item: To my son Robert Butcher £46.13.4 Item: To my son George Butcher £46.13.4 Item: To Elizabeth Butcher my daughter £30. Item: To Martha Butcher my daughter £32.6.8 at 20 or at marriage. Item: To Mary Butcher my fifth daughter £20 to be paid at her age of 19 or at the day of marriage. Item: to Barnaby Butcher my son £33.6.8 Item: to the poor of Pluckley 20 shillings
Item: To John Butcher my son one of my kersy looms and the other unto Robert my son Item. To my son Robert my little furnace in the kitchen. Item To my son George my broad loom and all the tackling that belongs to it. Item: to John and George my sons my copper as it now stands in the milkhouse.
The residue of my moveable goods to Martha my wife whom I make sole executrix.
Item: to my son John and his heirs male the tenements where I now live in Pevington, Little Chart and Pluckley. He to pay my executor three and forty pounds, 6 shillings and 8 pence. If he default then I will the said premises to my son Robert, if he default to George, if he default to Barnaby.
Item: To my wife Martha an annuity of £5 yearly and she to have the best loft in my messuage for her dwelling and the buttery and to have free liberty to come and go to the kitchen
Witnesses: John House, John Moule, Thomas Poss

Simon Butcher 1518

PRC 17/14 folio 114v
Dated 16 June 1518
Simon Bocher of the parish of Pluckley.
Whole of mind and remembrance.

Soul to God, Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints of Heaven.
Body to be buried in the churchyard of Pluckley.
To the high altar there for tithes and oblations forgotten 4d.
To the light of Saint Nicholas there 2d.
To the light of Saint Christopher there 2d.
To the Herse light there 2d.
To each of my godchildren 4d.
To daughter Agnes a ewe and 2 lambs, my second-best brass pot, a pann of a potell1
my best rynglet2
and my little chest to be delivered to her when she reaches
the age of 16 years. If she dies within age to Johanne my wife.
Residue of all my moveable goods, debts, bequests and funeral expenses paid to Johanne my wife and she to be executrix.
Robert Elis to be overseer and he to have 3s. 4d. for his labour.
Witnesses Stephen Turnor, William Bocher and Robert Elis.
PROBATE 26 July 1518 to the executrix.

1 OED Pottle: A measure of capacity for liquids (also for corn and other dry goods, rarely for butter), equal to two quarts or half a gallon.
2 Probably a kettle to hang up over the fire

Thomas Cackett 1722

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/84 quire 9 (registered will) and PRC 16/381 (original will).

Thomas Cackett senior of Pluckley, Kent, victualler. Dated 1 August 1722. Soul to God and body to be decently buried. Son Thomas Cackett all messuage lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Pixon Street in the parish of Pluckley now in the tenure and occupation of Stephen Record. Also a parcel of land of about 4 acres by the name of Moones field in the parish of Pluckley. For default of heirs to grandson Thomas Cackett. Grandson Thomas Cackett £5. My daughter Mary now wife of Henry Chuseman £5 My daughter Margaret now wife of Henry Hills £10 and one feather bed and one cupboard. To Simon Harris and John Jenings 1s. each. Residue of my estate to son John Cackett. Son Thomas Cackett to be sole executor. Witnesses George Gooding, Ann Gooding, Mary Pincaman. PROVED 6 April 1723 by the oath of Thomas Cackett the son and executor.

Thomas Cacket 1754

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/94/585
THOMAS CACKETT of Pluckley, Kent yeoman.
Weak in body. Soul to God and body to be decently buried.
To nephew John Cackett and his heirs all that my messuage or tenement with the outhouses, edifices, buildings, yard, garden, orchard and backside and one parcel of land belonging containing 2 acres in Pluckley, now in the occupation of John Cackett he paying annually 40 shillings unto his brother Thomas Cackett during his natural life quarterly by equal payments. Clauses of non-payment and distraint.
To my sister Mary Cheesman widow £20 within 6 months if still alive or to her children Thomas, Catherine, Margaret and Elizabeth Cheesman.
To my nephew and nieces Richard Cackett, Mary the wife of John Wanstall and Sarah and Thomas Hills £5 each within 6 months.
Rest and residue of my goods chattels and personal estate whatsoever, debts etc. paid, to Henry Chessman of Tenterden and Timothy Willson of Charing and they to be joint executors. William Platt of Pluckley gentleman to be overseer and gives him one guinea.
Dated 15 June 26 George II, 1752
Witnesses Henry Chapman, William Smart, Ann White.
Proved 14 February 1754 by the executors named.

Thomas Cacket 1818

PRC17/105 f. 386v and the original will PRC 16/504/C5 as the film version was too small to read.
Dated 4 December 1809
Thomas Cackett the elder of Pluckley, Kent farmer.
‘appointed for all men once to die’
Soul to God and Christian burial.
To Elizabeth my wife £10 until her ‘intres’ [interest] is due and if it proves insufficient the executors to give her more and she to have such household and linen as she likes etc.
At her death residue to be divided equally between son Richard Cackett, son Thomas Cackett, son Daniel Cackett and daughter Elizabeth Wood the wife of Henry Wood and Sarah Cackett my grand daughter the daughter of Sole Cackett deceased. Clauses regarding remainders. Henry Wood to have his wife’s part.
At my decease all property to be converted to money and put at interest for my wife for as long as she shall live; interest paid half yearly. At her death residue to be divided equally between son Richard Cackett, son Thomas Cackett, son Daniel Cackett and daughter Elizabeth Wood the wife of Henry Wood and Sarah Cackett my grand daughter the daughter of Sole Cackett deceased. Clauses regarding remainders. Henry Wood to have his wife’s part.
Executors to be my wife’s brother Richard Buss and my kinsman John Stevens.
Witnesses Thomas Russell, Mary Russell and Elizabeth Buss
Probate granted 26 May 1818 to executors Richard Buss of Pluckley gentleman and John Stevens of Smarden yeoman.
Estate does not amount to £450.
Testator died 10 January 1818.

John Chittenden 1604

PRC 17/53 folio 232v. John Chittenden of the parish of Bethersden, Kent yeoman. Dated 20 December 1 James I. Sick. Soul to God and to be buried in the churchyard of Bethersden against the steeple door there. Executor to procure a sermon to be made by Mr Harman of Smarden on the day of my burial. Poor of the parish of Bethersden 10s. at the day of my burial. To those that convey my body to the church 10s. in bread, beer and other victuals at the day of my burial. To Gillian Laywoode now dwelling with me 3s. 4d. at her age of 24 years. To John Milsted my godson 12d. To godson Edward Willses 12d. To god daughter Anne Dowde 12d. to be paid them 1 month after my decease.

To Mary my wife a sufficient portion of wheat and mault, butter and cheese to keep herself during the space of a year next after my decease. Also, one third part of all my linen divided equally into three parts, she to have one convenient chamber in my house for her own person and no other for the space of a year after my decease.

To son Richard Chittenden one joined bed steddle standing in my parlour, my best feather bed. 1 pair of my best sheets, 1 pair of my best blankets, my best bolster, best coverlet, 1 pair of best pillows and pillow coats, my great cauldron, two ringell kettles[1], 2 brasen stupnets, my great cupboard, my table cupboard standing in my hall, my great new chest standing at my bed’s head, six pewter platters, 6 pewter dishes, my maulte querne, my mault tunne, my kneading troffe and my great spit.  All the rest of my goods to be sold by my executors for the payment and discharge of my debts and legacies. The remainder to be equally divided between my two sons Josias and Richard whom I make sole executors.

WILL: Lands and tenements in parishes of Bethersden and Plucklie and elsewhere in Kent.

To son Josias Chittenden one messuage or tenement, one orchard and four pieces of land containing 22 acres in Bethersden in the tenure of my son Josias to him and his heirs, on the condition that with a quarter of a year he surrender unto his brother Richard by release any right and title to 3 pieces of land called Hyefeilde, Knock at Hames and the Lake. If Josias refuse them to son Richard to enjoy the same 3 pieces of land. The upon refusal son Richard shall have and hold one piece of land containing 6 acres next adjoining the house of the said Josias bounding to the king’s highway towards the north east.

To son Richard Chittenden my mansion house where I now dwell together with all barns, stables and other buildings belonging together with 2 closes, one orchard, one harber plot[2], and 8 pieces of land containing about 22 acres at Stanforde bridge in the parishes of Bethersden and Plucklie. Also 2 pieces of land, one orchard and 1 barn purchased of Richard George called Willffeilde and stone feilde in Bethersden containing 7 acres and all the appurtenances purchased of William George and William Topley called by the names of Lyefeilde. Knocke at Hames and the Lake lying at Bethersden in fee simple. That my son Richard pay unto Mary my wife 5£. per annum for her life at the four feasts equally, that is the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the feast of St John the Baptist, the feast of St Michael the Archangel and the feast of the Nativity of our Lord. Clauses of distraint for non payment. Also, son Richard to pay son Josias during the term of 6 years, if Josias live so long, 40s. half years at the Annunciation and St Michael. Claude of distraint for non payment. After 6 years Richard to pay to Josias at the end of one whole year 20 marks if Josias shall so long live. If son Richard dies without heirs Richard to give his brother Josias and John Chittenden his son ‘some reasonable portion of lands’.

Witnesses Thomas Harman scriptor and Thomas Dowde.

PROBATE 7 April 1604 to the executors named.

[1] A kettle with rings to suspend it over the fire.

[2] Perhaps in the sense of ‘A garden of herbs’.

Josias Chittenden 1633

PRC 17/67 folio 445b
Dated 29 October 1633
Josias Chittenden of the parish of Great Charte, Kent yeoman.
Sick. Soul to God and body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church where it shall please God to call me.
Concerning my lands, tenements and goods and chattels.
To son Daniel Chittenden 2 two yearling heifers.
To son Simon Chittenden 10 ewes and one ram.
To daughter Grace Chittenden 9 ewes.
Son John to be my sole executor he paying all my debts and legacies.
To son Simon one featherbed, one feather bolster, a pair of sheets, one coverlet and a blanket being in the chamber where I used to lye and the chest in that chamber that standeth next to the door and its contents.
To other chests in that chamber to my daughter Grace and their contents.
3 platters that I have in Gable Hooke two of them to my daughter Grace and the other one to son Simon. The remainder of household goods in the same house to my son Daniel.
To grand-daughter Amy Abraham to have the rent of my land for 2 years next after my decease and my daughter Grace the rent of it the third year and then my two sons Daniel and John fully during their lives equally divided between them.
After their decease to the children of my two sons equally.
To son Simon my best cloak.
Witnesses Robert Gorham, Richard Stephens.
PROBATE 18 November 1633 on the oath of John Chittenden son and executor

Richard Chittenden 1640

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury will register

PRC 17/70 folio 680

As the microfilm proved unreadable, I was able to consult the original, which is now bound into two parts.

Dated 27 November 16 Charles I, AD 1640

I Richard Chittenden of Pluckley. Sick. Soul to God and body to Christian burial. To the poor of Pluckley 10s. To two daughters Joyce and Martha 10s. each. To Martha Bull my daughters daughter £3 at 21. To John Chittenden my brother’s son 20s. years. To John Chittenden my son my messuage and all my lands in Pluckley and Bethersden and to his heirs. In default of heirs, I will my messuage and lands in Pluckley containing 5 acres to Richard Lawe my daughter’s son and his heirs. With further remainder to the other children of my daughter Lawe equally. Residue of all my goods and chattels my debts, legacies and funeral expences paid and discharged to John Chittenden my son. John Chittenden my son and Henry Pollerd [spelt elsewhere Pollard] of Pluckley to be executors.  Henry to be paid 20s. and allowed his travel costs.

Witnesses Mark Dany and Richard Dany

PROBATE 3 February 1640/1 to John Chittenden son of the deceased.

Nathaniel Collington 1735

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury Vol.89 f.50, Probate 23 Dec 1735 Nathaniel Collington of Pluckley, Kent, Clerk, will dated 18 Jan 1734/35 Joint Executors (both duly sworn): Son-in-law Samuel Belcher, youngest Son John Collington Poor of Pluckley: – 40 shillings distributed at the discretion of the 3 Churchwardens Son John Collington: – Life interest in property in Leveland, Shelwick and Throwley – Half share of residual personal estate (with Samuel Belcher) Son-in-law Samuel Belcher of Charing, Kent, Gentleman: – Life interest in property in Challock and Westwell, conditional on paying Ann Collington (testator’s daughter) an annual rent of £20 – Half share of residual personal estate (with John C.). Daughter Ann Collington: – £20 pa from Samuel Belcher – Life interest in property in Challock and Westwell after the death of Samuel Belcher (if she survived him) – Half the proceeds from cutting the underwood in the Challock property – Property in Pluckley including contents. Grandson John Collington, son of John C: – Life interest in property in Leveland, Shelwick & Throwley on the death of his father, then to pass to his male heirs on his own death Granddaughters Mary and Ann Collington (daughters of son Nathaniel): – Property in Leveland, Shelwick & Throwley on the death of their cousin John C. should he have no male heirs – Property in Challock and Westwell on the deaths of their uncle Samuel Belcher and aunt Ann Collington Other Persons Named: Richard Chambers, William Wraith and John Waterman in tenure or occupation of properties in Leveland, Shelwick and Throwly. Witnessed by Tho: Pearson – Joh. Nethersole(?) – William Smart

Nathaniel Collington 1736

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury Vol.90 f.3, Probate 22 Mar 1736/7 Nathaniel Collington of Pluckley, Kent, Gentleman, will dated 22 Oct 1736 Joint Executrixes: Daughters Mary Collington & Ann Collington. [Only Mary was sworn to administer at time of probate as Ann was under age.] Bequests: Daughters Mary & Ann Collington: – Equal shares of property in Little Chart – Equal shares of one cutting of the underwood on the Tenterden property left to son Nathaniel. – Equal shares of the Tenterden property left to Nathaniel should he die with no ‘heirs of his Body lawfully to be begotten’. – Equal shares of a ‘small piece of Ground called Milstead Plat’ of 3 yards, in Pluckley, ‘not devised by the will of my late Father deceased’ – Equal shares of residual personal estate Son Nathaniel Collington: – Tenterden property of 33 acres (after Mary & Ann remove underwood). Other Persons Named: Francis Rose in tenure or occupation of small property in Pluckley (Milstead Plat). Witnessed by Mary Collins (by mark) – Sam: Belcher – Jon: Nethersole.

John Foster 1794

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC16/469 F/7

I John Foster of Pluckley in the County of Kent Yeoman make my last Will and Testament as followeth.
First I will and direct all my Debts Funeral and other incident charges to be fully paid by my Executor hereafter named

I give and devise to my son Richard Foster and his heirs forever All that my Messuage or tenement with the outhouses edifices buildings lands and hereditaments thereunto belonging or appertaining situate lying and being in the parish of Great Chart in the said County of Kent and now or late in the tenure or occupation of the Widow Elleston or his assigns subject nevertheless to and chargeable with the payment of the several legacies or sums of money hereinafter specifically mentioned (that is to say)

I give to my son John Foster the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid within twelve calendar months next after my Decease
To my son in law John Whittington the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid within twelve calendar months next after my decease

To my Grandchildren Jesse Spicer and Ann Spicer son and daughter of Sarah wife of Jeremiah Honey late Sarah Spicer widow the sum of Fifty pounds apiece
the said several legacies or sums of Fifty pounds and fifty pounds to be paid into the hands of my son George Foster within twelve calendar months next after my decease
in Trust for my said Grandchildren and to be paid by the said George Foster to the said Jesse Spicer at his age of one and twenty years and to the said Ann Spicer at her age of one and twenty years or day of Marriage that shall first happen after my decease
And if either of my said grandchildren should happen to dye before his or her said respective ages of one and twenty years or day of marriage aforesaid without leaving any child or children living or in esse at his or her decease the part share of him or her so dying to go and be paid to the Survivor of them at the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage as aforesaid
But without any interest to be paid to my said grandchildren for or in respect of their said legacies until they become payable as abovementioned

All the residue of my Goods Chattels personal Estate and Effects whatsoever I give and bequeath to my said son Richard Foster whom I constitute and appoint sole Executor of my Will and revoke all former Wills or testaments by me heretofore made or executed

In Witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy seven
John Foster
Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator John Foster as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto in his presence & at his request
Eliz. Ingles – Elizabeth Hiend – S. Ingles

August 19th 1794
Richard Foster the son of the Testator and sole Executor named in this will was duly sworn as usual and that the Goods chattels and credits do not amount in value to the sum of twenty pounds
Before me Joshua Dix, Surrogate.

Richard Foster 1811

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Probate 4 Dec 1813 Richard Foster of Pluckley, gentleman, will dated 14 Dec 1811 nephews Jesse Spicer of Pluckley, farmer & William Webb of Harrietsham, miller, executors brother John, life interest in £500 Bank annuities, then to nephew George Foster & nieces Winifred wife of Carter, Sarah wife of Balcomb, & 3 children of brother John messuage in Great Chart now occupied by John Beeching & all other Real Estate to John, eldest son of brother John subject to the following legacies: to nephew Richard Foster, son of John, life annuity of £10 plus £100 to Winifred Carter £100 to George Foster, son of John £200 to sister Mary wife of John Whittington of Pluckley, farmer, life interest in £500 (£25/yr), then after her death: £500 stock to 5 daughters of my late niece Mary Webb widow deceased & my niece Ann wife of Thomas Baldock of Pluckley, husbandman to Thomas Baldock £100 to William Webb £200 to my sister Sarah Honey, widow, life interest in £500 (£25/yr), then: £500 stock to children of Sarah Honey (except Jesse Spicer) & children of my late niece Ann wife of Jacob Simmons to nephews James, Jeremiah & Richard Honey £200 each to nephew Jesse Spicer £500 stock to housekeeper Catherine Spicer, widow £10 plus £10/year residue to brother John and sisters Mary Whittington & Sarah Honey witnesses Weller Norwood, att’y at law, Charing, Wm. Thos. Tonge, Horace Butterfield his clerks.

Ann Kingsnorth 1707

Will of Ann Kingsnorth of Pluckley, widow
Dated: 14th October 1707
Probate 19(?) April 1708 (date new style)
Ann was buried in wool in Pluckley, 9th February 1708 (date new style)

  1. To daughter Ann, wife of James Poss my house and backside in
  2. To son in law Timothy Wellard 1/-
  3. To Anne Wellard, Thomas Wellard, Timothy Wellard, Elizabeth
    Wellard, Jane Wellard, Mary Wellard, Anthony Wellard, Martha Wellard,
    my grandchildren, when they are 18 10/- each.
  4. To James Spicer my son in law 1/-
  5. To James Spicer, Anne Spicer, Thomas Spicer, Abigail Spicer, Jesse
    Spicer, Anthony Spicer [relationship not specified but these are also
    grandchildren] 10/- each at 18 years.
  6. To Mary Spicer granddaughter 20/- when 18.
    Daughter Ann, wife of James Poss to be sole executor and to her all my
    residual chattels.
    Witnesses Thomas Pinsett, Richard Poss, Elizabeth Poss
Mary Kingsnorth

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Vol.99 folio 197, Probate 8 Jul 1774
Mary Kingsnorth of Pluckley, widow, will dated 18 Oct 1773
daughter Elizabeth Buss
daughter Mary wife of Edward Wilkins of Pluckley, executrix
witnessed by John Rose – Russell Munday – Ralph Hatch his mark

Daniel Mannis 1624

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/66 folio 47 and PRC 16/178 Dated 27 January 15 James I, 51 of Scotland Daniel Mannis of Pluckley. Soul to God and to be buried in the churchyard of Pluckley. To Mildred my daughter wife of Thomas Adgore 1s. if demanded. To Martha my daughter my tenement with the land belonging which is in the occupation of George Poute after the decease of Joane my wife or her day of marriage. Also £10 after decease of Joane my wife. To Marie my daughter £10 after decease of Joane my wife. Clauses regarding remainder to survivor. Residue of estate to Joane my wife and she to be executrix. Witnesses Josias Wootton, Henry Pollard

Probate 16 November 1624 to Joan Mannis relict and executrix

John Marchant
John Milsted 1629
  1. [S56] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #0188965, 1627-1630, Vol. 67, folio 19, Jun 1629. Will of John Milsted of Pluckley, 1629 Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, book 67, folio 19

In the name of God, Amen. The ——–day of May in the ————- and in Anno Domini 1629. I, JOHN MILSTED, of Pluckley, being sick in body but of good and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God, I do make and ordain this my present testament and last Will in manner and form following.

First, I bequeath my soul unto the hands of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and my body to be buried in Christian burial.

Item, I give and bequeath unto MARTHA, my wife, all and singular my movable goods and chattels whatsoever and also I give and bequeath unto the said MARTHA, my wife, for her sole use and profit my messuage or tenements and orchards with the appurtenances thereunto belonging lying in Pluckley aforesaid during her natural life and after her decease I will the said messuage or tenement with the orchards and other appurtenances unto my two sons, JOHN and THOMAS to be equally divided betwixt them and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten for ever.

If it shall happen that the said JOHN and THOMAS die and depart this life without heirs or heirs of their body or bodies lawfully begotten then I will the said messuage or tenement with the orchards and other appurtenances thereunto belonging unto JOHN MILSTED, son of my brother THOMAS MILSTED, and to his heirs for ever after the decease of MARTHA, my wife —– the said JOHN MILSTED paying unto THOMAS HOPPER my godson, the son of THOMAS HOPPER, twenty shillings of lawful English money.

Item my will and mind is that MARTHA my wife shall pay unto either of my sons that is to say JOHN and THOMAS when they shall accomplish their several ages of one and twenty years, to either of them five shillings of lawful English money yearly during her natural life.

Item I make and ordain MARTHA, my wife, my full and sole Executrix of this my present Testament and last Will.

Item, I make and ordain THOMAS MILSTED, my brother, my overseer of this my last Will.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Sealed in the presence of us his John Milsted The mark of Thomas Milsted mark Henry Pollard

Proved June 1629 by the oath of Martha Milsted widow of the deceased.

  1. [S57] Archdeacon’s Transcript, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1751588, 31 May 1590.
  2. [S49] Bishop’s Transcript, England, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Canterbury, Kent, England, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1736930, 19 Mar 1629.
Gilbert Norton 1671

PRC 17/73 folio 212v
Dated 3 June 23 Charles II, 1671
Gilbert Norton of Pluckly, Kent tailor.
Soul to God and body to the earth to be decently buried.
To cozen Gilbert Norton of Pluckly and his sister Susan Norton all my messuage or tenement, edifices, barn, stable and buildings and those several parcels of land belonging containing 16 acres in Bethersden and in the occupation of Samuel Sharpey.
To Susan Norton 30£ with half a year.
To cozen Gilbert Norton of Ashford the messuage or tenement and buildings belonging thereunto in Harrietsham, Kent now in the occupation of Nicholas Sutton provided he pay £5 toward the mending and repair of the messuage or tenement late in the occupation of one widow Howtinge in Harrietsham which property I gave to my cozen John Norton of Hollingbourne. To my cozen Phillipp Hunt £10 within 1 year.
To William son of Philip Hunt £5 at the age of 21 years.
To cozen Thomas Norton one of the sons of my brother William Norton £15 in 1 year.
Cozen Gilbert Norton of Pluckley to be my executor paying debts, legacies and funeral expenses.
Witnesses Elizabeth Rachell & George Poole.
PROBATE 28 August 1672 to the executor named.

Anthony Nowers 1679

Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury Vol.74 f.397, Probate Jan 1679/80
Anthony NOWERS of Pluckley, Kent, Gent., will dated 17 Oct 1679
Sole Executrix: Wife Elizabeth
Eldest Daughter, Mary NOWERS: Property in Orlestone, KEN of 10 acres in occupation of George SEELY, mortgaged to testator for 99 years by John FITCH, Thomas FITCH and Daniell FITCH, – £260 paid within 9 months of testator’s decease, with interest at 6% if paid later. Sum was in lieu of previous promised gift upon her marriage
Daughters Elizabeth, Anne & Jane NOWERS – Share of remaining real estate or of ‘overplus’ should real estate need to be sold by Executrix, in proportions determined by Executrix, or equally if no such direction given by Executrix.
Instructions to Executrix:
If personal estate insufficient to cover expenses and legacy to eldest daughter Mary, then sell either or both following properties: Smarden property of 36 acres in occupation of Nicholas SOUTHERN & Nicholas TAYLOR, purchased from William TURNER & Jacob EURNEX, – Pluckley property of 12 1/2 acres called Henmans and Squatts Hall in testator’s own occupation
Witnesses: Mary LAMBIN – Margarett LEONARD (her mark) – Jo: WADE
Memorandum (Codicil): Date: 23 Oct 1679
If Eldest Daughter Mary were to make further claims based on previous promises, then she to be excluded from any benefit under this will.
Witnesses: John NOWERS – Elizabeth BIGG – Margarett LEONARD (her mark)
ACC Judge: Nathaniel COLLINGTON

Thomas Posse 1632

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury Vol 68 f.282, Probate 18 Mar 1632/3
Thomas Posse of Pluckley, will dated 28 Dec 1632
Sons Richard, William, Edward, Thomas, John
Richard Mond
Frances Posse daughter of Richard
Susanna Posse daughter of Thomas
John Barton
Samuel Man
Mildred Franckwell
Thomas Biskin the younger of Pluckley
Wife Jane, executrix
Thomas Hugget, Thomas Forman, Thomas Elliot
William Kingsnoth of Pluckley Witnesses Thomas Binskin, Henry Pollard

Thomas Waterman 1597

PRC 17/50 folio 285
ABSTRACT Dated 14 April 1597 Thomas Waterman of Plucklye of good and perfect memory. Soul to God and body to have a Christian burial. To Bridget Whitten my servant 7£. and the bed with bolster, coverlet, blanket, one pair of good sheets and a pillow where John Waterman doth lye after my decease ‘for all that I owe her’. To Mary Waterman my brother’s daughter 4£. at the feast of St Margaret next after my decease. To Bennet Attkews 20s. and the chest she now uses. To John Waterman my brother’s son all my books and all other things belonging to surgery except two or three of the best bottles. To William Marketman my second doublet and a pair of new hose. To John Glover my uncle my twelve monthling colt and my twelvemonth budd and one debt of 40s. owing me of Richard Chamber of Witchling which is given unto the satisfying of a legacy of 7£. given to Bridget my servant. John Glover to be my overseer and to have two acres of the best of my wheat from the lower lands late John Catler. Also, two acres of oats lately sown in the land of Luke Hasell given in satisfaction of a legacy of 4£. to Mary Waterman. To my uncle my best shirt and best hose. Ordains Bennet his wife to be sole executrix and all personal estate debts and legacies etc. paid and to see will performed. If she pays John Glover for the use of Bridget my servant 7£. with the other gifts and 4£. for Mary Waterman the wife Bennet to have the colt, budd, wheat and oats recited to John Glover. To Thomas Sedweeke and Jane Hasell my godchildren 4d. each My uncle as overseer to see the testament and last will proved. Robert Weekes to discharge debt of 22s. and pay wife 50s. Upon payment then wife to deliver such goods and such bill of sale as I had of him, if not wife to sell the goods retaining 50s. and the residue to him. To John Waterman a stuppnet and best band and my second-best band to Mary Waterman. To Sara Waterman 5s. John Waterman the timber and tiles of the old house at widow Marketman’s Witness Josyas Woultun, Richard Sedwickes, Luke Hasell PROBATE 17 May 1597 on oath of John Edwardes Notary Public for the executrix.

Walter Waterman 1566 (Bethersden)

IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen in the year of our Lorde God a thowsand five hundrethe three skore and
five I Walter Watterman of the paryshe of Beatresden [Bethersden] hole of mynde and perfett
remembraunce thankes be unto God doe make and ordayne this my last will and testament (start of
folio 149 and of the abstract)
Soul to God and my body to be buried in the churchyard of Beatresden or elsewhere. Also, I give unto
10 poor folks of Beatresden 10s. to all my godchildren 10p apiece for the males and 12p for the
females. To Thomas Waterman my godson five shillings which my brother James Waterman his father
oweth me. I give to Robert my son and to Amy my daughter to each of them two kine. To John Pysynge
of Halden my cow in his keeping. To Amy my daughter my best great high chest. Likewise, to Robert
my son my other great chest. Robert and Amy shall have half the rest of my pewter equally and half
my brass to be divided between them, except my bigger to eared kettle and my best brass pot. To
Roberts my son my best coverlet. To either of them a blanket, a sackcloth, under cloth and three pairs
of sheets. To Amy my daughter a flock bed, a tick [tycke] bolster, my best tick pillow. To Robert my
son my next best tick bolster and my next best tick pillow. To Amy my next best bed stedle and to son
Robert all the joined work which I bought of the rodelofte. To daughter Amy my new cupboard with
the locks and charneles [charnel – hinge] belonging to it. To my son Robert my best coote [coat] and
my best hossen and my buckes lether jerkyn and 2 yards of green cloth. To my brother James my fryse
coat and my russet jerkin and to pair shoes. Daughter Amy to have an acre of my wheat and son Robert
to have a seam of wheat, with £13.06 shillings and 8p. That I have lying upon the lands of James
Wythernden. My will is that Amy my daughter and Robert my son shall have equally £22 of money
which Robert Waterman my cousin oweth me. That Robert Waterman shall have four years liberty
after my deceased to pay the said money with the remainder to the survivor. If it should happen for
both of them to die before the said years expired then Dorothy my wife shall have 5 pounds. All the
residue of my goods and cattle unbequeathed I give unto my wife Dorothy whom I make sole executor.
This is the last will of me Walter Waterman. That Robert my son shall have all my lands lying in the
parish of Beatresden to have to him and his heirs in fee simple. Also, that Dorothy my wife shall have
half the profit of my lands for the whole term of her natural life. Also, that neither Dorothy my wife or
Robert my son make any manner strip or waste in or upon the said lands, nor any manner of timber
or underwoods. Witness Robert Waterman Thomas Browne and James Master John Harrys. [Folio
150] Probate 7 May 1566

Edward Wilkins 1814
Dorothy Wyne 1754

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Probate 23 Sep 1754
Dorothy Wynn of Surrenden, Pluckley, spinster, will dated 3 Sep 1754
Walter son of William Platt of Pluckley, gent.
Goody Paul, Goody Harrison, Goody Rogers, Goody Walker, Goody Black, Goodman Burton, Goody Feakens, Goody Caskett, Goody Taylor, of Pluckley or Little Chart
servants of Sir Edward Dering, Baronet
sister Katherine Withers, widow, now living with Thomas Stanton of Sandford Hall, near Saffron Walden, Essex, Esq., residue & executrix
witnesses Margrea Peirce – Mary Pearce – Wm Smart.